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Case Studies - iDairy® Farm

The project listed here are a snapshot of what we have done over the years, projects are listed in year order, latest ones first, older ones last.

A snap shot of a project may give you a quick way to establish if any of our make farming ezy product solutions would work for you. We can also put you in contact with the farmer related to the project if you feel its beneficial to have a chat.

Click below for Environmental Case Studies.

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Dairy Conversion to Beef Cattle Yards 

( in progress for completion Jane 2025) 

Year Completed: 2024


Kaimais Tauranga 


Conversion of Dairy farm handling to Beef Cattle Handling

larger animals not observing dairy yard and older wooden facilities

never thought these things would be so strong and wild  


New Smary Yards and Midranger Handler integrated in current load out facilities and access. 


Yard plan converting old dairy to beef handling
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Dairy conversion to beef, dairy shed conversion to yards

Year Completed: 2024




To convert the existing dairy yard and shed space to a facility which can be used for a beef cattle handling facility.


Use of the existing backing gate and entry yards (with extensions to height) with additional lead in pen and race to handler (Midranger). Draft pen and link to existing load out race.

Weigh system under handler.


The old RPM basic handler done its duty on this farm but now outlivedNew Unit fitted all ready for the job1Installation in progress1
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Dairy Handling for collar fitting 

Year Completed: 2023




With 500 cows and new collar technology the handling of animals became a much bigger job than expected and the old handler ( from 1998) no longer suited the situation. 


An upgrade to a Ex trade full side Dairy Handler was just the ticket, with hoofcare and handling facilities now totally up to scratch the job at hand be easy and stress free for both staff and animals 


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New Dairy Shed gate and wash system 

Year Completed: 2023




Provide for a herd management gate and water efficient and time saving washing system 


TechniPharm Herd management gate and Dungbuster Clean wash and Green wash system

Client Testimonial:

See video on Dungbuster 


Remove old steel doorscreate new structure for outside mounted AgdoorsAgdoors fitted
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Agdoors for Cowhouse 

Year Completed: 2022




Create more relaible and functional solution for dairy cowhouse 


Remove old steel garage type  doors blown out by wind and replace with Ag doors, ventilating and specifically designed for Dairy Housing 

Client Testimonial:

avaialable on request 


What a location !Solar power to drive the units
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Cow/ Animal brushes

Year Completed: 2022


Marlborough Sounds 


Provide for animal wellbeing on remote location 


Cow/Animal Brushes for stock/ Cattle and Horses 

Local company provided Solar expertise and install 

Client Testimonial:

Its been a project, we had manual brushes but this is the next step up 


Out with the oldIn with the newReady for business
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Dairy Handling facility for University Farm 

Year Completed: 2022




Multi purpose Handler for full contaiment and open access to Animal with full hoofcare facilities 


Dairy Supreme Hydraulic Dairy Handler 

Client Testimonial:

This is our second unit, upgraded form the manual unit we have had for 10 years. 


Start in morning was wet, but concrete was ready for the install team and soon measurements where placed  on the concrete for the set upMaking progressRamp in placeFull effluent containmentAll views lead to the ramp, all blacked out by poly belt screeningJob done
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Dairy Load out and recieving facilities 

Year Completed: 2022




After years of frustration and dangerous working facilities a new facility was to be build to meet easy and fast loading and onloading of stock, Dairy Cows, heifers and Bulls need quick and easy loading with staff safety a priority. 


A new rotating gate force yard and lead in was designed to fit in with the existing dairy shed. Ajoining paddock and race views have been blocked with Polybelt to ensure stock does not get distracted and keep moving towards the ramp. A Proramp was installed with ramp lead up to flat area and safety gates to lock stock back and keep the driver/ stock handler safe. 

Catwalks and easy step up provoded for quick and easy moving of stock handlers. 


Ground work done with smart digger 99.99 % accurate .Lifting of Ecobag on embankment for placement to centerReady to roll outRoll out in progressTie up straps to secure system in placeLift in MixersLooking good, almost ready for storage.
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Future proof effluent storage 

Year Completed: 2022


Winton ( SI) 


To store cowhouse and dairy shed effluent on high water table soils.

Combat future Greenhouse issues 


Ecobag 4000 Cube fully enclosed storage, no crusting, no Nutrient N loss, no water ingress. Store 750 mm above embankment. 


Scrapers are critical in keeping the Cowhouse lanes cleanIn lane separation gates for easy mob managementLockable feed stalls for easy cow management
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Maintenance critical for cow wellbeing in housing systems 

Year Completed: 2022


South Island 


Keep our clients and their valuable cows accommodated in the best possible dairy housing systems 


Many of the Technipharm cowhouses have now been in active duty for up to 10 years and most have received little maintenance in that time other than wear and general care replacememnt parts. Keepin effleunt moving is a big task, one cowhouse has had their sxcrapers run 240.000 Km since commisioning ! we hat to think how much sludge that represent ! 


First thing, get the frame up and levelled, square  and plumbStarting to look like a Presto ShedGot dark by the time the install team left, great sunset, Presto shed ready for business
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Presto shed  Orchard for Team Shelter 

Year Completed: 2022


Southern Cross Orchards Pyes Pa (Tauranga ) 


Provide for easy access shelter for people and gear. Ideally re locatuion should be easy and possible if needed in future 


Presto shed 6 by 6 with coloursteel roof and driven in ground anchors to allow for easy relocation . Level metal/ rock pad provided by client 


Great shed, easy build, 1 day 2 people and its up and ready
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Presto Shed Handler Cover 

Year Completed: 2022




Inseminating cattle requires the area where this happens to be free of direct sun light( UV) as this kills semen. A solution had to be provided to provide shelter from the UV rays, but at the same time improve the working area. 


ze: medium; letter-spacing: normal;>Linda van Eyks Belted Galoway stud the Smart Yards have been in place for some years  and this neat instant build Prestoshed  addition was just the ticket meeting all criteria. 

Client Testimonial:

Great solution and nice work, impressed 


Concrete pad and shedConcrete pad and shedConcrete pad and shed
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PrestoShed for Truck cover 

Year Completed: 2022




Create a cover for the work truck/ loaded up and tools 


Presto Shed extended height 


delivery to siteGeotextile protection down, ready for roll outRoll out and install fittings
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350 Cube Effluent Storage 

Year Completed: 2021


Reporoa area


provide easy care storage bit further awau from the dairy to irrigate farm paddocks further afield 


350 Cube round effluent storage with Flecitank Round 


Recycling Nutrients saves having to buy fertilisersEcobag can come in various shapes and sizes from 1000 Cube to 15000 CubeDigging started Dec 2020, 3.5 meters deep 45 X 45 meter  squareStraps tiedLifting in of the 8 ton EcobagInflation and installation of man holesAfter tie down of straps we have a look inside see if all aligned properlyAfter check we deflate the systemJob done
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8000 Cube Ecobag Nutrient Capture and Re Use

Largest totally enclosed effluent system in NZ 

Year Completed: 2021




To store all cowhouse effluent over winter and early spring and ability to use this on farm as natural fertliser and organic matter. Wageningen (NL) research indicated cowhouse effluent means 50% of nutrients are available straight away, the other 50% is slow release. Soil carbons in the form of organic matter is build up over time.  


8000 Cube enclosed Ecobag Nutrient capture and storage system. This system is fully approved by the Southland Regional council. A new standard in non crusting, none smelling storage is now set. 

Instalation completed Feb 2021

Client Testimonial:


“The big benefit is there is no volatilisation of nitrogen as methane, as there is no contact with air so the slurry we’re spreading on to the farm from the Ecobag™ is higher in nutrients.”

Headline: Effluent - it’s in the bag

By Karen Trebilcock

Southland dairy farmer Abe de Wolde installed his first Ecobag Effluent Storage System in New Zealand for the storage of wintering barn slurry last year.

“They’re well used and well regarded in Europe but this was a first for New Zealand,” he sAYS.

And he’s so impressed he’s installing a second one in mid-January at a new wintering barn he’s building.

The 45-metre by 45m bladder, supplied in NZ by Technipharm, is 4.8m deep, and can hold 8000 cubic metres of effluent.  It sits in the ground and when full is 75cm above the surface of the land.

As the effluent is not exposed to the environment there is no crusting, no odour and it’s completely safe.

“You can walk over it, there are no worries about anyone falling in.

“The big benefit is there is no volatilisation of nitrogen as methane, as there is no contact with air so the slurry we’re spreading on to the farm from the Ecobag ™is higher in nutrients.

“Our slurry is giving off very little methane and nitrous oxide so it’s good for us and good for nature.”

Abe’s Woldwide Dairy Group milks 4200 cows on five dairy farms near Winton.

The 2300 hectares produces about 2.5 million kg of  milksolids a year from the mainly Friesian cows which have a mix of NZ and Dutch genetics.

Abe and his wife Anita moved to NZ from Holland in 1992 after milking 40 cows there on 26ha.  They were one of the first farming families to convert sheep farms into dairy in Western Southland.

Right from the start they saw the possibilities of bringing European technology and farming systems to Southland.

“It’s our goal to combine the best farming systems from around the world to produce food more efficiently,” Abe said.

Very soon their first dairy farm had a 625 free-stall wintering barn built on it. 

Now cows on four of their five farms go in the wintering barns at night in April and May, extending the round so milking can continue through until the end of the season.

Then they are in them fulltime in June and July with the cows milked until they are sixty days away from their expected calving. 

Some of the barns are also used for calving in August and September. 

Automatically scrapers travel the length of the barns eight to 10 times a day with no water added but the slurry still contains enough moisture for it to be spread when soil conditions are right.

And Technipharm’s Ecobag helps.

“As the effluent is completely enclosed it doesn’t dry out but also rain can’t get in so we don’t have more slurry than we need to spread on our paddocks.”

A 18kw stirrer keeps the contents from separating.

“It goes from about two until three in the morning, well I hope it’s going – no one is awake to hear it.”

He said regional council Environment Southland was supportive.

“The Ecobag came with very good instructions and specifications so they could see that it met all of the consent requirements.”

Effluent is spread mainly on silage paddocks using either a slurry tanker on an umbilical when soil moisture conditions allow which hasn’t been easy these past few months in Southland.

“We’ve had the most horrendous Spring, the worst we have known.  It’s been very wet and very cold but there have been a few small windows when we have been able to spread effluent on safely.”

And he’s taken the scraping technology from the wintering barns into two of the dairies.

Instead of washing the yard, the most hated end-of-milking chore by far, it is scraped automatically.

“We wash inside the dairy and the two or three metres into the yard but the rest is scraped.

“A dairy cow produces one and a half litres of effluent on average every milking but it can take another 50 litres to wash that away per cow.

“That is a lot of clean water that you have to store and pump and then get rid of afterwards.

“And why turn clean water into effluent if you don’t have to?”

Lowering the environmental impact on all five dairy farms as much as possible has always been the goal for Woldwide Dairy Group and effluent management is a key part of it.

With good practices, and the right technology such as the Ecobag, the amount of nutrients entering Southland’s waterways are lessened but also less fertiliser needs to go on to grow the pasture and forage crops to feed Woldwide’s cows.

“Because we don’t lose the nitrogen through methane loss with the Ecobag, it means the effluent we’re putting on is high in nutrients which is exactly what we need.”



Cattle Curtain in action in yardCattle Curtain in action in yardcattle curtain in race
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Cattle Curtain wins friends 

Year Completed: 2021


Waimate SI 


Stop Cattle returning after leaving the drafting area, or back lock feed in lanes to force yard without the need of a yard person closing gates 


Cattle Curtain auto none return system

Client Testimonial:

Great, its silent and just does a great job, increased safety and less work 


Work in progress new yardComing along nicelyBack ground shed, new yard in front
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Dairy Shed Upgrade with Dungbuster, new gate, drafter and Teatspray unit. 

Year Completed: 2021


Australia Victoria 


Create time and resource savings for this dairy. 


An integrated backing gate and dungbuster was provided for this new dairy renovation including pre cast for sump and drain.

Drafter ( 3 way) and Teatspray unit for better cow management and cow udder health


Platform on fine clay with weed matting on perimeter  to keep all weed freeBit of a challenge to bring the package to  locationFittings installed for new PTO pumpReady to work, methane emission free storage
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Replacement old Pond to new Bladder 

Year Completed: 2021




The old pond done its dash, leaking and silted up a new approach was needed

Smell and weedcontrol also issues close to the Dairy 


A 800 Cube round Flexitank was installed just below the existing pond on a new formed level platform 


driver units visible at end of lanes (outside)
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Cowhouse Installation new scraper system 

Year Completed: 2020




After the old system had done an estimated 300.000 Km of scraping over many years it was time to replace the old chain system with a more modren and easier to manage rope system 


Rope scrapers managed per lane for best utilisation of use, when outer lanes not used the scrapers do not have to operate thus savig on wear and tear. ( multi lane loop systrems require the scrapers to run regardless of use) 


Line up, trailer and bike ready for the trip to the paddockRobust and Solid system, made to lastDetailed functionality
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Calf weight monitoring crate and trailer 

Year Completed: 2020




Establish entry / start weights for new calves to ensure target weights are reached. 


A mobile calf weigh crate on trailer with panels to create a small pen for holding the animals in the paddock.

EID scanner and weigh system all integrated. Robust and easy to use 


Before... note aluminium extrusion very close to wearing on concreteJust got it before its too late!Just needs a bit of TLC!Check filters. This one needed replacing totally, see next picture.Filter incorrectly replaced by other servicing company. TechniPharm has the right stuff...Much better.Spotless, oil okay and ready for another season.Done!!
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DungBuster servicing

Year Completed: 2020


Putaruru, Waikato.


Service old DungBuster unit to make like new again.


New blades, new fittings and all just in time!


Two DungBusters in the same yard... no problem!!Motor and filter also need to be checked.Filter pretty dirty, but just needs a clean.Bar placed in vice for cleaning. Waterblasting with a needle nozzle into the small holes removes most of the grit, then a fan nozzle to clean all the outside.Occasionally we find more than a bit of muck or grit!Using a small gauge file will remove any hard blockages in the holes.Clean as a whistle and ready to be bolted back onto gate.
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DungBuster Servicing

Year Completed: 2020


Gordonton, Waikato


New owner wants the DungBuster checked and serviced. Some of the bars not cleaning well.  
Had little maintenance over the years.


Remove all bars and clean thoroughly, check for blockages, check backing gate motor and filters.


The system explained
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Greenwash and Ecobag fully contained effluent storage

Year Completed: 2020




Located in the Kaimai’s near Rotorua, Omanawa farms are a high rainfall, high altitude dairy farm. They run a Jersey herd and a once a day milking system.


With an annual rainfall of over 3m per year, Omanawa farms were looking for water efficient environmentally friendly solution to effluent capture and storage and re use. 


A 2000m3 Ecobag® bladder and a Technipharm Greenwash Dungbuster® minimised the necessary storage by eliminating rainwater capture and fresh water use for wash down.

This system reduced farm dairy water use to below 30m3 per day eliminating the need for a resource consent. 

Client Testimonial:

client’s comments Lachlan McKenzie

“Saves time and water, and no hassles - thumbs up!”


The shed and pizza style pensTwo feed stations per pen, all clean and tidyRobot in actionHappy CalvesReady for an other drink ?
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Robot Automatic Adlib Feeders 

Year Completed: 2020


Waikite Valley Rotorua 


Feed dairy replacement and beef calves to 100 Kg. 


3 Robot Automatic Adlib feeders are set up to feed milk powder and waste milk to approx 400-600 calves each year. The Feeders are part of a comprehensive rearing program.

This property has used Robot feeders for 15 years and recently upgraded to new units.

The feeders are set up on a small garden shed in the centre of a pizza style pen configuration, each pen holds approx 20-30 calves which are supplied by 2 feed stations. Each Robot can supply 8 Feed stations.  

Client Testimonial:

Name available on request 


Scraper at workDrive unit shown
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Scraper reconditioning 

Year Completed: 2020


Studholme Canterbury 


Recondition scrapers in 300 Cow Cowhouse. These scrapers done 10 years of hard work in a hybrid cowhouse without much mainteance, moving over 12000 Cube of sludge per year that is 120.000 Cube of sludge moved! that is a lot of #$%^&*


Some parts news some parts reconditioned to get more life from good solid steel work which fundamentally is sound and to good to just row out.


System near full spring 20201400 Cube effluent ready for irrigation to pasture
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Effluent Storage for Hybrid Farm

Year Completed: 2019




Extra storage on small strip of non-utilised land next to dairy housing.


Customised Flexitank with rounded ends and narrow width.


Concrete read stamped for best tractionBuild in progressHandling area, note concrete catwalksLead in to Force areaBirds eye, note effluent collection on RH sideCattle Curtain none return system
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Youngstock and Dry Cows Handling Yard Large Capacity

Year Completed: 2019


Hunter Waimate


Large mob handling for range of stock ranging from weaners Waiugu X, dairy heifers and dry cows frequent use, collection all effluent


High performance hydraulic handling system with Auto drafter under cover (previous sheep shed) and large mob lead in pens, EID autodraft, Cattle Curtain non return system, Full Effluent containment. Concreted area 300 m2

Client Testimonial:

Yards working well 


The overall planEntry to existing loading ramp3600 entry lane gateMidrange HandlerNew grip catwalkCurve race to Handler
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Dairy Conversion Smart Yard

Year Completed: 2019

Location: Corromandel


Use of existing unused dairy shed at run off to provide for new handling facility for
young stock and beef


A compact design Smart Yard system with easy flow and great handling facility


Under constructionFinal productExisting Structure wooden retainer walls only, concrete blocks added for separation and back wall
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Presto Shed Feed Storage Bin

Year Completed: 2019

Location: Rerewhakaaitu


Provide removable roof for existing structure bins with objective to keep feed dry and clean


PrestoShed Roof ( retractable) with gutters for rain diversion. New divider wall and rear wall ( concrete blocks)


Embankment preparationEcobag rolled out ready for inflation for placement and securing to embankmentGeneral overview
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Effluent storage high rainfall area 

Year Completed: 2018


Mamakus Tauranga/Rotorua 


To provide 2000 Cube storage for new dairy in high rain fall area.

Open pond system would require double the storage and significant more pumping cost 


2000 Cube totally enclosed ECOBAG nutrient capture system 

Client Testimonial:

Available on request 


Embankment preparationEcobag rolled out ready for inflation for placement and securing to embankmentGeneral overview
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Effluent storage high rainfall area 

Year Completed: 2018


Mamakus Tauranga/Rotorua 


To provide 2000 Cube storage for new dairy in high rain fall area.

Open pond system would require double the storage and significant more pumping cost 


2000 Cube totally enclosed ECOBAG nutrient capture system 

Client Testimonial:

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;>Inside listening to the rain falling with the knowledge that it will not be filling up the Ecobag with fresh water that I have to pump out.

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;>Maintenance of the Ecobag in two years is almost none. some weed spraying around the edge to keep place looking smart.

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;>The major benefit of the Ecobag in our high rainfall area ( over 3 m /year) is reduction of surface rainfall collected. I our case over 2 m l /year would fall on an equivalent pond which has to be pumped. We would fill an conventional pond over twice per year with rain water.

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;>We spraying the stored effluent onto pasture during summer/ autumn period, ensuring the bag is empty by the end of the season. Having our 2 milion L  bag empty at the start of the spring season is great, we can just store effluent until ground is dryer and staff have more time to irrigate. By the way we have never even looked like filling the bag, max it has been is around the 75-80% full.     

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;> 

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;>Several of the staff have young children which like to play on the farm. Ride bikes on the concrete yard moving to motor bikes etc. We have confidence with the Ecobag there is no danger to the youngsters. 

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;> 

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;>Being a forestry conversion farm we can see the benefits of the nutrients from the effluent. We have not done any work on if there is any more saving of nutrients I.E. nitrogen from less gas losses. 

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;> 

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;>In summary. Over the last two years minimal maintenance, significant reduction in volume pumped due to no rainwater, Staff can empty when calving pressure is reduced and finally but most significant is the improved safety.    

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;> 

ze: 14px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif;>Kind Regards

ze: 14px;>

Lachlan McKenzie
289 Kapukapu Road
RD6 Rotorua
Mobile: +64 21 382 442


Main yards and Highflow 260 on left# 8 Infinite Handler in support yardsDelivery of the Highflow 2060 Cattle Handler
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High Performance Quarantine Facility

Year Completed: 2018


South Island


With up to 10.000 animal handling in some weeks this property needed high performance highly reliable and robust handling equipment. With up to 10 staff, vets and support staff in the yards for inspections and quality control the facilities had to be easy, safe and fast to operate. The handlers had to be integrated in current clients wooden yards.


A Highflow 260 Handler was installed in the main yards with a #8 hydraulic in the support yards. Annual Throughput up to 100.000 head. Now in year 3 these handlers have had the equivalent of 20 years use on an average farm. This test gives the future buyer of the TechniPharm Infinite Handlers a solid performance expectation record


Firstly, we need some details.On site, first job is to set the DungBuster parts out.To enable the bars fit under the backing gate motor, we need to change the saddle.Attach droppers to gate frame with arms attached to the bars using parts provided.Attach filter(s) to gate. Also attach the solenoid for electric backing gates. An electrician will be needed to wire up any electrical parts.Attach U bends and end bungs.
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New DungBuster Install

Year Completed: 2018


Examples from several installs around the country


Install new DungBuster



Client Testimonial:



explanation of flowBirds eyel view to completed project
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Yards for Dairy Grazers and Beef fattening,  Waikite Valley 

Year Completed: 2016


Waikite Valley Rotorua 


Integate yards to existing lead in and lay of the land


Navigator Force yard, curved race and load out, draft pens to main lead in.

Midranger Handler and 3 way drafter 

Client Testimonial:

Great set of yards works really well. 


Offside showing side & vet gatesOperating side with scale monitor standSplit entry gate with single handle operationOverall view on operating side
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New Dairy, new Supreme Handler

Year Completed: 2016

Location: Opunake


To make handling, weighing, hoof trimming as Ezy as possible


Top of the line Dairy handling for new shed


The large concrete lined pond and stirrers placed strategicallyLevel changes allow for full pond mixing to occur
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Stirring 12000 Cube of Cowhouse Effluent 

Year Completed: 2013




12000 Cube of effluent is a lot of effluent in any ones terms, but when it contains high solids its even more challenging. Storing requirements for up to 7 months and maintaining an homeginised consistancy for pumping and dribble boom distribtion 


3 times 22 Kw Eisele High Performance Stirrers strategically placed and with ability to change level height of stirring so all levels of the pond can be stirred and mixed properly  

Client Testimonial:

Available on request, as of Dec 2020 the stirrers have not been touched for maintenance other then oil changes. 


Science happens every day
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Dairy Research 

Year Completed: 2010


Hamilton. Palmerston North, Lincoln, Southland 


Support handling systems for research 


Dairy Handler systems with specialist customises options for research users


Soil turned first concrete inBuild in rapid progressAlmost thereMilking !Cowhouse 600 cows linked to Dairyshed
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New Dairy Shed

Year Completed: 2010

Location: Glenavy


To create a modern high volume throughput Rotary dairy milk harvesting platform and related animal management system aswell as interlinking race and effluent system to Cowhouse


1) Rational and clear specifications created for maximised output and value for money for client
2) Transparent comparisons of price V value from 3rd party contractors
3) Engage contractors and execute plans and build
4) Deadline 1 July and transfer from old shed to new shed within 12 hours achieved


Handler, drafter and load outCurve race and work in progressYard system overviewForce pen and 360 gate in action
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Dairy Support yards Tapanui 

Year Completed: 2009


Tapanui SI 


High volume young stock yards for replacement dairy herd


Full yard and Dairy handling, drafter and load out, main features Curve race and initial 360 force yard, Supreme handler which later on went to the Dairy farm and was replaced with a Hydracommander handler


Used for everything under the sun Dairy Caddy is topsUsed by many vets and carried on the tow bar ready for the next jobAn easy step up was developed in 2017Great work safely done every time !
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Safe support frame/stool for Tailpaint, cow test and AI in Herringbone shed

Year Completed: 2001

Location: Nationwide


To create a movable support frame for farmers to easily tail paint, pregames test, AI and read air tags


The Dairy caddy ™ concept was originally provided from a 450 raised platform which then over the years evolved to a 650, 700 and extendable version, fully braked and mobil so it could be move along the pit wall. Various innovation awards have been received for this innovation and many thousands are in use throughout NZ Dairy Sheds


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Cowhouse Wintering Barn

Year Completed: 2000






One of the first wintering barns in Southland. Initial discussions and design criteria were to create a cost effective model for NZ conditions and economic models. Supply of all sludge pumping systems.


The overall plan and view from the hillEasy oversight from all anglesWorking the weights is easy as
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Figure 8 yard

Year Completed: 2000

Location: Taumarunui


Create a high performance efficient handling facility for a dairy herd and replacement stock


Figure 8 yard with electric backing gates full console control


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