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Permanent Sheep Smart-yards™

Permanent Sheep Smart-yards(tm)Permanent Sheep Smart-yards(tm)
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Permanent Sheep Smart-yards™

Perma Yards Deliver Superior Design And Outcomes For You

These ultra modern Perma Yards can be permanent but they dont have to be. Concrete mounts allow for a quick change of design. Gates can be L or R hand and any panel can become a gate. Simplicity and functionality at its best. We had our first day with the Technipharm Perma Yards today and we are absolutely delighted with how they worked for us. We put about 400 lambs through with the main tasks being weighing and drenching ewe replacement lambs (average LW 45 kg today), weighed and drafted works lambs and drenched the balance. In general we estimate that the tasks were taking about one third the time of our previous yards - however the huge advantage was much less stress on the part of us and the sheep, and very much less frustration on the part of Frank and me!!! Thank you for your help and service to make this project very successful. We planned to do this during May 2018 so as to not interrupt our lamb drafting program. We started to demolish the old yards on May 1st and here we are on May 31st having completed the first day of yard work. Ian Wickham Taranaki



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